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Mutations, analysis and genotype-phenotype results from the largest cohort of Best disease patients in the Israeli population and worldwide.

Researchers at the Department of Ophthalmology, at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, have reported a new comprehensive analysis on Best disease patients, aimed to document… Read More »Mutations, analysis and genotype-phenotype results from the largest cohort of Best disease patients in the Israeli population and worldwide.

A systematic review and meta-analysis of AAV treatments for several retinal degenerations report outcomes on safety and visual acuity.

Researchers at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ontario, Canada have reported a systematic review and meta-analysis on the safety and efficacy of adeno-associated viral (AAV)… Read More »A systematic review and meta-analysis of AAV treatments for several retinal degenerations report outcomes on safety and visual acuity.

Research studies focusing on causes of severe sight impairment (SSI) certifications correlated to the number of clinical studies registered in the UK.

Researchers at the Eye Research Institute, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK, have published a report highlighting a correlation between registered clinical studies on leading causes… Read More »Research studies focusing on causes of severe sight impairment (SSI) certifications correlated to the number of clinical studies registered in the UK.

Researchers at University Hospital Zurich have reported a novel dual AAV strategy aimed to correct ABCA4 gene mutations for Stargardt disease (STGD1).  

Researchers at the Laboratory for Retinal Gene Therapy, Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland, have reported a novel treatment approach aimed to expand the… Read More »Researchers at University Hospital Zurich have reported a novel dual AAV strategy aimed to correct ABCA4 gene mutations for Stargardt disease (STGD1).